Welcome Droneologist!
The sign of a true Droneologist is one that never stops learning and looking for more information!
The following are some helpful resources for when you are just getting started, or if you are looking for advanced information on drone technology.
Explore how drones are the perfect complement to STEM and CTE programs! Learn how drones capture student interest, impart real-world skills, and can even lead to a rewarding career straight out of high school.
Dedicated to the drone community, UAV Coach offers pilot training, buying guides, tips, industry news. If you want to take your skills to the next level, this is a great resource.
Our friends at Robolink have libraries of additional lesson plans for to the CoDrone Mini (included in Ready, Set, Drone! 3rd edition) and CoDrone EDU (included in Drone Designers 2nd edition).
Oscar Liang’s blog focuses on RC hobby, robotics, multicopters,tutorials and DIY hacks. Learn how to improve your flying and get inspired with his informative articles and reviews!
MyFirstDrone.com is a great place to go to learn how to build a drone or how to fly a quadcopter. It is also chock full of reviews and tutorials.